Earl's wisdom

I always hope I'm wrong when I'm miserable.

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When you discover circumstances you do not like, say: 'I did it. I must undo it. But I don't know how I did it. Therefore I must surrender.' You have not changed your mind if you are still trying to choose among illusions, by trying to understand based on past experience what the problem is and how to correct it. Every time you try to correct a problem based on a past experience you will recreate the problem. When you reach the limit you must say: 'there must be a better way'.

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You are innocent. You are powerful. You are not a victim.

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Once you realise your interests are not separate from others', your road is established.

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A teacher of God is a demonstrator of love.

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God is not interested in your personal fantasies; God is interested in our universal mutual benefit.

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Salvation is right-mindedness.

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Don't tell the universe what you want. Instead, ask. If you tell, you think you know the answer. If you ask, you admit you don't. And ask the universe what to ask.

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True happiness has nothing to do with what is going on in the world.

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If you are unhappy, try believing and doing the exact opposite of what you've been believing and doing.

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If you have a horrible relationship history, and you see someone you find attractive, don't even say hello. Talk to someone you don't find attractive and see over time if you can build a relationship with them.

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Say nothing. Just remember they are innocent, in your mind, and they will change more than if you try and make them change.

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In your mind, say to yourself, 'this person is me, in another body.'

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When you debate, you actually weaken your belief system because you're engaging with someone who is resisting what you believe.

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Trust is not a characteristic of love. Trust IS love. If you don't trust them, you're not in a love relationship, you're in a fear relationship.

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You and you alone am the source of what I experience and perceive.

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All things are possible with God.

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You are not the victim of the world you see.

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You never hammer a nail in with one blow.
