Fire yourself!

You need to fire yourself and resign as your own teacher, which you would do if you honestly assessed the results of what you taught yourself. You'd be glad to resign, if you really looked at how unsuccessful you've been at giving yourself consistent happiness. I'm not talking about that 'every-now-and-then' stuff, that 'people feel good because it looks like their script went the way they wanted it to'-kind of happiness). I'm talking about that kind of happiness where you can be around the biggest a-hole in the world, and you wouldn't lose your centre. That's what I'm saying. It has nothing to do with people acting the way you want them to act. Nothing I'm saying is about encouraging you to make your happiness based on other people pleasing you. That's the slowest way in the world to be happy: trying to get other people to do what satisfies you. Forget it. Even if they do it, they're not going to do it all the time. So, I want another level, a level I can always count on. That's the God level. Let the love in you start dreaming your dreams. Let the part of you that loves you start to create your reality. Then learn how to listen. We're learning how to let ourselves be helped.
