Mental diet

What is ‘emotional comfort food’?

Resentment … sarcasm … ideas, attitudes, and beliefs that afford a temporary thrill or temporary relief but are of no lasting nutritional value.

‘An Al-Anon slip is any negative thought.’

The treatment: see the inherent goodness in everyone and seek to bring out that goodness so that the person can become the person he or she is meant to be. The good then snowballs. Then we will be happy, joyous, and free. Look past the outer behaviour of a person to the truth within. Their mental diet may be terrible, so we feed them: if our deportment is one of love, we can listen to them and silently extend to them what appears to be lacking.

Listen to the feelings behind the words, not the words.

‘Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it,’ (Ernest Holmes).

We do not see persons and things as they are. What we see is our own conception of them. What we resent or fear is just a reflection of ourselves. Everything we see we see through the ‘personal reality filter’ of our past.

When someone cuts us off in traffic and we shout back, we are shouting about unresolved things from the past. These people that trigger us are bringing us a gift. What is the gift?

In all relationships, we are facing not others but ourselves.

In healing others, we are therefore healing ourselves … atonement = at-one-ment.

This is the exercise of power rather than force to effect change.

(Joe M.)
