Signs of emotional maturity

  1. Able to keep long-term commitments
  2. Admits faults
  3. Consistently grateful
  4. Does not try to change things beyond their control
  5. Shows equanimity
  6. Is generous
  7. Is humble (thinking of yourself less, not thinking less of yourself)
  8. Is interdependent with others (not dependent, independent, or codependent)
  9. Makes decisions based on principle not emotion
  10. Is paient
  11. Prioritises others over themselves, within reasons
  12. Remains teachable
  13. Is responsive, not reactive
  14. Takes responsibility for own thoughts, actions, and feelings
  15. Is tolerant
  16. Is unmoved by flattery
  17. Is unruffled by external stresses
  18. Is unshaken by criticism
