Al Kohallek's 'Pay Forward' gifts: 003

Three: my ‘Pay Forward’ gift is physical. I am reminded that our Father has a need for our physical body and world. Our physical world is our workplace, our school, and our playground. Our physical body is the vehicle in which our Father expresses His Will, His Love. ‘Made in Heaven’ is stamped on our heart with intuitive information about our Maker. These earthy vehicles come in every conceivable type, shape, and size, with a wide range of powertrains, and a generous colour selection, and yet we are all unique. Although this physical body is self-perpetuating, self-renewing organism, it is still subject to our Maker’s Recall. Using the correct fuel and keeping your vehicle serviced and clean is our responsibility. We suggest that you use only authorised parts and service (Spiritual Principles) the best as you can. For your parts and service needs, call the AA Hotline for directions to an authorised Alcoholics Anonymous Spiritual Service Centre. When the intended purpose for your Divine Designed physical vehicle is done, it will be taken to the Heavenly Recycling Centre. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
