Al Kohallek's 'Pay Forward' gifts: 006

Six: my ‘Pay Forward’ gift is Spiritual. ‘What we really have is a daily reprieve contingent on the maintenance of our spiritual condition’ (Alcoholics Anonymous, page 85). This maintenance involves changing our choices, actions, and character to conform to Spiritual standards, in other words to ‘practise these principles in all our affairs’. Alcoholics Anonymous has given us the tools we need to live a Spiritual way of life, to do and to be our Father’s Love and Will. It is an overstatement to say ‘practice makes perfect’, but to seek through prayer and meditation daily to improve our conscious contact with our Father is a very good idea. Let us ‘pay forward’ by practising the Spiritual Principles we already have, encouraging others by our example. The daily living of Spiritual Principles develops our Spiritual Condition, affecting our whole be-ing. There is nothing like a peaceful, compassionate, love-filled heart and mind to awaken others. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
