I choose to release

Collated, edited, and/or written by Joe M.

There is no use in merely saying everything will be alright. Thinking rightly, of course, means putting God into all your affairs and expecting him to change them. For example, if you are living in a shack it is no good pretending that it is a palace. Cheap optimism is never spiritual. Realise that you are living in a shack, but claim the Presence of God to guide you to something better.

Teach me thy way, O Lord, and lead me in a plain path… (Psalm 27:11).

When the mind is at peace, the world too is at peace. Nothing real, nothing absent. Not holding on to reality, not getting stuck in the void, you are neither holy nor wise, just an ordinary fellow who has completed his work. And God Himself shall wipe away all tears. Father, unless I judge I cannot weep. Nor can I suffer pain, or feel I am abandoned or unneeded in the world. This is my home because I judge it not.

Let me today behold it uncondemned, through happy eyes forgiveness has released from all distortion. Let me see Your world instead of mine. And all the tears I shed will be forgotten, for their source is gone. Father, I will not judge Your world today.

God’s world is happy. Those who look on it can only add their joy to it, and bless it as a cause of further joy in them. We wept because we did not understand. But we have learned the world we saw was false, and we will look upon God’s world today.

When this pain is no longer needed it will leave. It is filling a need presently—I now choose release the need and replace my judgements of right and wrong, guilt, punishment, and blame with the reality of God's healing, forgiveness, and correction for myself and others—I know prayer works, so I pray for the ultimate good of all today!
