The messages of love are needed more than ever before ...

The messages of love are needed more than ever before. Those of us who want to represent another way of looking at things, we are needed more than ever before. You know, we actually need to be whatever it is we say we want, and we've got to let go of waiting for everyone else to do the loving, everyone else to be the loving. It's nobody else's fault. Whatever is going on right now is not anybody else's fault. We are 100% responsible for the reality we are creating. All of us. And I'm personally going to recommit myself to trying to constantly, consciously take responsibility for being a loving being on the planet. I'm not holding anyone else responsible for that. I want to be the love, I want to be a channel for the love, I want to be a conduit for the love, because all there is, is love and fear. Everything we see going on in the world right now that seems frightening is coming from fear, and fear is coming from a sense of separation. Fear is coming from us thinking that we're separate from each other. Fear is coming from us believing that we're separate from love. So we are here to be the messengers of love. We are here to demonstrate love, and recognise that what we're seeing in the world is a reflection of mass consciousness; it's a reflection of our consciousness, and so I would like to have the blocks to love removed from my consciousness. Would you like to have the blocks to love removed from your consciousness? And I want your love. Here are the two thoughts: 'Love created me like itself'; 'Love holds no grievances'. Because what creates attack is grievance. Fear is the foundation of every bit of attack and separation that is happening right now. F.E.A.R.: false evidence appearing real. We are fooled by false evidence appearing real. And that's what creates the attack. And you ARE love. The love around you is awesome. The light I'm seeing around you is awesome. Now that light needs to radiate.

(Earl Purdy)
