Co-creating with God

Human beings create their experiences by the activity of their thinking. Everything in the manifest realm has its beginning in thought.
In Jesus’s words:
‘The measure you give will be the measure you get back.’ (Luke 6:38)
‘I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.’ (Matthew 16:19)
‘Do not be afraid, little flock, it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.’ Luke 12:32
‘Ask and it will be given to you; search and you will find; knock and the door will be opened for you.’ (Matthew 7:7)
The universe perfectly mirrors consciousness, and it answers our deepest desires. This is probably the most comforting part of the law of attraction. Many people don’t trust themselves to create their own lives. They are concerned that ego will dominate or that ‘stinking thinking’ will lead them astray. Certainly that can happen temporarily. But remember, the universe is responding to vibration, and energy doesn’t lie.
Notice your friends who were fired from jobs they hated or who were dumped in relationships that weren’t going well anyway. They might have felt rejected in the short run, but they might also have said later they were better off. The universe reflected their deepest desires—to move into a better situation—whether they were aware of it yet or not. Conversely, they attracted exactly what they needed, even when they weren’t aware what form it would take.
The same concept helps answer why we sometimes think we are not getting what we want. For instance, you might say you want to be married, but if deep down you fear getting hurt, a mate won’t show up. The universe resonates with your deeper desire to stay alone. The universe reflected their deepest desires—to move into a better situation—whether they were aware of it yet or not. Conversely, they attracted exactly what they needed, even when they weren’t aware what form it would take.
You also thwart yourself by yearning and longing or focusing on the lack of what you want.
Your best bet is to go ahead and feel as happy and fulfilled as if you were madly in love or wildly rich. So happy that you won’t care whether it really happens or not. That’s when it will likely happen, because you are a match in consciousness or vibration.
‘A state of expectancy is a great asset; a state of uncertainty—one moment thinking “perhaps” and the next moment thinking “I don’t know”—will never get desired results. Even God can give you nothing until you make up your mind about what you expect.’ (Ernest Holmes)

How to change your life

I am fully divine and fully human, as Jesus was. I am on Earth to express God as me, a part of Spirit in its infinite variations. I am free and unlimited, the creator of my experience. What I believe comes to me. What I want is already mine. What I perceive becomes real. What I know is the playfulness and creativity that I recognize as God’s image in me. We are co-creating together, my life, this world, all that is. I play a part, I have a role, and the universe would not be complete without me. The future is mine to design.
