Today’s ‘Pay Forward’ gift is: A
Healing Power. The great Healer within each of us, through Alcoholics Anonymous,
removes obstructions and creates an environment where the natural Healing takes
place. I ask myself in what form will my Healing take place today? Who will be
Healed, and who will be the Healing agent? There is only One Healer, our Higher
Power within. Even now, He is removing obstructions and creating an environment
where the natural Healing takes place. Love is that Healing Power, touching
everyone, everything into Wholeness; a silently invisible witness, we can see
through the eyes of faith. I realise the angel of love is the messenger of Healing.
‘If [one] has a full realisation that Love fulfils all the laws of life … no
inhibitions in Love, which is the very life within, Healing will follow,’ (The Science of Mind, page 233). Father, please
send a wave of love to disperse my not-love. Intuition is the deepest spiritual
wisdom for the soul and is another word for a loving union with our Father's
Holy Voice. ‘We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle
us. We will suddenly realise that God is doing for us what we could not do for
ourselves’ (Alcoholics Anonymous, page
84). Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
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