A Mission Statement

Today’s ‘Pay Forward’ gift is—A Mission Statement. As I awaken this morning, I turn my consciousness toward Three Spiritual Gifts: Your Holy Presence Father, The Love That I Am, And The Individual I Was Created As. I am filled with gratitude for what You have in mind for me today. I now visualise, and realise I am in conscious union with All Three Spiritual Gifts. These are my Heart's Desire, which I believe are Your Will for me, Father. I begin this day with a short review of yesterday and a willingness to forgive all. I now choose to be non-judgmental. I am awakened in Your Divine Light, in that Spiritual Flow, in Your Holy Consciousness, Presence and the darkness disappears. I know Your Holy Voice is directing me very specifically, telling me what to do, say, think, and feel in a way I can currently hear, understand, and follow. I am given all I need to experience consciously Your Loving Will for me, Father. I am, we all are, created in Your Image and Likeness. I consciously practise these characteristics from a study of the most successful leaders throughout history as part of my AA mission: higher purpose, focus, preparedness, conviction, faith, trust, perseverance, creativity, risk-taking, curiosity, resilience, independence, commitment, and courage. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
