Be Still, Listen To The Silence

Today’s ‘Pay Forward’ gift is: Be Still, Listen To The Silence. As l was practising AA’s Step Eleven, I heard these words in the silence of my soul: ‘Come and let me love you, forgive you, teach you, and heal you, and I will, I have, I am.’ I now affirm my heart’s desire within these affirmations. In this spiritual flow I now live out the love story You gave me, Father. By Your Loving Grace, Father: I now have the eyes to see with the vision of Your Son. I now have the ears to hear Your Holy Voice and follow all Your Ways. I now have the nostrils to inhale Your Divine Inspiration and to exhale all that is spent, experiencing a perfect circulation, assimilation, and elimination. I now have the tongue to speak Your Holy Words given me. I now have the mouth to consume Your Divine Nourishment, our Daily Bread. I am feasting on what I truly want and fasting from what I do not want. I now have the hands to receive and pass on freely Your Infinite Abundance to whomever You Will. I now have the arms to embrace all I am drawn to with warmth and love. I now have feet to take me about your Will, Father; I am about our business, now that we are partners. Physical expression was once an imagined seed in someone’s mind. Today, let’s be like Johnny Appleseed, using your most desired seeds. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
