Al Kohallek's 'Pay Forward' gifts: 265

Two hundred and sixty-five: my ‘pay forward’ gift is – preparedness. May I not lose sight of my need to prepare myself, daily! I come to call my daily prep-work co-creating, which is in alignment with what I currently believe to be our Father’s Will. Alone and unaided my personal ‘reality’ makes up illusions. My heart remains open to the alcoholic who still suffers, which include all sober members of the fellowship. I learned the importance for daily prep-work from my AA heroes. They would do whatever it took to prepare for their Heart’s Desire, our Father’s Love, and His Will In Service. They would seek out the support and knowledge as needed. No detail was too small nor any service work too great—with our Big Boss, all things are possible. They freely used what others had already found. They willingly asked for what they needed to carry out the service opportunities given them. They often sought out service opportunities when none showed up. They worked the Twelve Steps and lived the Twelve Traditions as part of their prep-work. Their lives were centred on service. They carried the Alcoholics Anonymous message, not the disease of alcoholism. It was said of them that they were a Big Book worth reading. They went about their prep-work with a healthy dose of inspiration and perspiration. These Alcoholics Anonymous members were my teachers, my mentors, and my heroes who prepared me. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.

(Al Kohallek)
