Al Kohallek's 'Pay Forward' gifts: 002

Two: my ‘Pay Forward’ commitment is mental. Upon awakening this morning, I asked our Father for inspiration in choosing my mental ‘Pay Forward’ gift; ‘The artist does not see things as they are, but as he is.’ (Alfred Tonnellé). If my personal ‘reality’ mind tells me one thing, but I am acting out in a different way, which is right? Understanding that my actions reflect what I really believe, now what? If I don’t like what I am experiencing, I can choose to return to our Father within and seek His Will and His Love. Alcoholics Anonymous gives us the tools we need to open our habits of thoughts and feelings storehouse within, own it, surrender it and let our Father have His Way. If we are blaming people, place, or things outside of ourselves for our experience or explaining how we feel by referring to these things, we are blocking off the Loving, Healing Power of our Father within. Alcoholics Anonymous will awaken us and teach us Who the Real Artist Is. We will intuitively know Who is Speaking and that Good News is a gift well worth paying forward. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
