Al Kohallek's 'Pay Forward' gifts: 007

Seven: my ‘Pay Forward’ gift is mental. I went for a walk before daylight; the street was dimly lit, which makes it hard to see that the sidewalk is uneven in places. I feared I would trip over one of these sidewalk hazards, so I was walking in the bicycle lane. Along came a cyclist; I had to step onto the sidewalk, and sure enough I tripped and hit the ground. You would think by now I would have learned that telling myself not to think about not tripping is thinking about tripping: mostly likely I will have a tripping experience. I think I will think about what I want to experience. I am responsible for my decisions, thoughts, and actions, and I choose to look to our Father for the results. I choose to start each beginning or shift in my attention by centring my consciousness in our Father, by saying ‘our Father’: that way I am more likely to think of Him as my Source. After all, He gave each of us a purpose when He created us, so I look to Him for everything we need to carry out His Divine Design. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
