W-pI.rV.in.2. Steady our feet, our Father. 2 Let our doubts be quiet and our holy minds be still, and speak to us. 3 We have no words to give to You. 4 We would but listen to Your Word, and make it ours. 5 Lead our practicing as does a father lead a little child along a way he does not understand. 6 Yet does he follow, sure that he is safe because his father leads the way for him.
W-pI.rV.in.3. So do we bring our practicing to You. 2 And if we stumble, You will raise us up. 3 If we forget the way, we count upon Your sure remembering. 4 We wander off, but You will not forget to call us back. 5 Quicken our footsteps now, that we may walk more certainly and quickly unto You. 6 And we accept the Word You offer us to unify our practicing, as we review the thoughts that You have given us.
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