Endless series of internal surrenders

In the end, we find life is an endless series of internal spiritual surrender of situations that force us to let go of our old limiting beliefs, which, one eventually finds, were only the blocks from our Source of All Good.

Oftentimes over the years this surrender has resembled a nervous breakdown as it involved letting loose of some of the innermost protective mechanisms devised to avoid this painful process. Often I felt vulnerable to every possible nightmare and fear imagined—unfortunately, this is part of the process and the only passageway through. In this dark internal barren wilderness, my real self was finally coming to surface. This was not a death: it was a birth of spirituality, which is to say all good. Christians call it being saved or reborn. This horrific and intense but quite necessary time of grieving is a pruning and purifying, cleansing time of the soul.

I finally found the meaning of ‘Resist not this evil’ for it is making room for tremendous spiritual gifts to bring back and heal others withrealising this nowadays, I relax and let it all come up and out.

(Joe M.)
