I could choose peace instead of this

‘I could choose peace instead of this.’ We can always choose peace in any situation. There are times when there is no control over outside factors. Being fearful or stressed over things we cannot control only adds to our pain. Instead of wallowing in problems, we can think about possible solutions. Instead of focusing on what we do not want, we should focus on what we do want, recognising that it is not our job to be manager of the universe. Contrary to what our ego would have us believe, we do not make it all happen. We envision; we plan; we implement; and we do our best. That is it! Peace arises when we refuse to be attached to outcomes.

By living a spiritual life, we can achieve peace by turning everything over to our Higher Power. Once this has been done, we must stop worrying. If we do insist on worrying or thinking about it, we are not trusting our Higher Power. Let everything go and trust. Insist on it! Then we go about our Father's business, doing the tasks that are before us to do, and listen for inspiration that may come to us from Above.

I give _____ to the Holy Spirit as part of myself.
I know that _____ will be released, unless I want to use _____ to imprison myself.
In the name of my freedom, I choose the release of _____, because I recognise that we will be released together.
