You're the nice one

‘It’s easy to tell who loves you. It’s not hard to tell who loves you: it’s the person who is freeing you, who is not condemning you, who is seeing you as you really are, who is accepting you as you really are, who is wanting to see who you are and not trying to get you to act out their agenda. But are you doing the same thing? Haven’t you got a bunch for scripts for everyone around you, who you’re getting upset about if they don’t follow them? That’s why you’re attracted to them. This person is doing the same thing to you. That’s why you’re with them. That’s why you can’t leave them. You’re just like them. If you’re in denial about your own ego, about your own selfishness, fear, or unconsciousness, then you have to deny it’s there, so you can see yourself as being a nice person, because everyone gives the appearance of being a nice person, and then you take the part of you that’s not such a nice person, and you project it onto the people around you, and then you see your own not-nice-person-ness in the people that you are close to, and the reason why you can’t get away from them is that they’re reflecting you back to you, and you know that. That’s why it can seem like you’re surrounded by people who are just the opposite of the way you think you are but you can’t get away from them for anything, because a part of you doesn’t want to get away from yourself. And, they’re also doing you the favour of mirroring back to you your own subconscious beliefs about yourself so you can be healed. So, if you see yourself as a nice person surrounded by people who have real issues, you have real issues, but you’re telling yourself that you don’t, because you’re nice, you’re the nice one. You’re so nice, your face is just wet with tears about all the injustices that people do to people who are nice. You’d be nice all the time, wouldn’t you, if they didn’t just make you have to want to get ‘em.’
