Al Kohallek's pay forward gifts: Divine Union

Today’s ‘Pay Forward’ gift is: Divine Union. With a deep love and gratitude, I accept the Divine Gift of Yourself to me, to all of Your Creation, Father. I offer the gift of myself to You. This Divine Union is the relationship I long for. This is the love I seek, and I am finding, for this moment, I have entered that stream of Pure Love. The Infinite Love, beyond all finite human understandings is flowing within, around and through all the other Six Loves, which I am a witness and a giver and receiver. I am open to the brotherhood and friendship with my Hero Brother, the Christ, and a demonstrated proof of the Gift of Self. ‘When you call to me and come and pray to me, I shall listen to you. When you search for me, you will find me, when you search wholeheartedly for me, I shall let you find me…’ Jeremiah 29:12–13. We are in union with our created purpose. Therefore, we will not disappear without a trace. All-loving service is eternal, stored in the Universal Consciousness that each of us is part of. Alcoholics Anonymous is proof of Your Loving Presence, Father. Our willingness to serve others opens us up to endless opportunities to express the love we are. ‘Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive [loving] work with other alcoholics,’ page 89, Alcoholics Anonymous. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
