Tradition Thoughts

Today’s ‘Pay Forward’ gift is Tradition Thoughts. What is our responsibility? What we can do is our responsibility, and all else we had best leave to Higher Power. Our Home Group’s responsibility is to carry its message and be fully self-supporting. This extends to everything for which we are responsible, in all of our affairs: family, business, friendship. In other words, in all of our relationships; spiritually, mentally, physically, emotionally, and socially, we need to be fully self-supporting. Our Higher Power can do for us what we cannot; that’s a promise. We can gain our support through His grace. Let me remember we ought not to try to share our special message with those for whom it is not intended. Nor should we endorse or give our power or prestige to a cause we have no business in, since doing so may divert us from our primary purpose. It is our Higher Power within doing the works. Why not practise that realisation twenty-four seven? Let’s not lend His Name to other people, places or things, thereby making them an idol. If we can let go even for an instant our anxious efforts, we can labour and rest at the same time. The energy we are given is spent but not wasted. We are most fulfilled and grateful when we are able to freely serve the special needs of those around us, without diverting ourselves from our primary purpose. Let us step back and watch our Higher Power have His way. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
