Great moments

Today’s ‘Pay Forward’ gift is Great Moments. My greatest moments are when I feel a deep love and gratitude, and I feel I have made a good difference. I feel like I am in conscious union with our Father’s Will for me—no doubt there is a purpose for me. I have stored in my subconscious storehouse too much to the contrary. I am ready to get acquainted with all of me, both the good and the bad. This, I believe is the only way I can surrender all of me to be transformed and healed. I don’t need to know these defects in detail but to realise and own the patterns. I am willing to exorcise and exercise daily, perhaps at the same time, since my mind, body, and soul are a unit. I want to exorcise all that is not our Father’s will, the useless, harmful bad habits, behaviour patterns that block me from the individual I want to be. My exorcising is to include the excessively limited good as well as the bad. My exercise is to include all that I am grateful for and I believe is following our Father’s Will. Let us look for the good in others so we can see it in ourselves. Let us forgive others for the harmful, useless patterns we see in them, so we can forgive ourselves. Let us extend to others everything we want for ourselves. Come let us exorcise and exercise our whole being this day. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
