An Ideal To Be Realised—And The Way To This Realisation

Today’s ‘Pay Forward’ gift is—An Ideal To Be Realised—And The Way To This Realisation. MY MISSION STATEMENT: I am consciously and consistently living Your Will for me, Father, my heart’s desire, my individual Love Story—which You gave me. I say ‘Father’ and my direct conscious union with you comes into being. MY INTERMEDIATE GOALS: My skills are ever growing more loving, wise, and useful; I am a Divinely Designed Designer Designing—I am a Forgiven Forgiver Forgiving—Taught Teacher Teaching—Healed Healer Healing—Beloved Lover Loving—Empowered Empower-er Empowering—Enriched Enricher Enriching––I am Your son, Father, and a loving brother to all. MY HERE/NOW GOALS: I am committed and focused on my practising Your Will for me, Father—By Your Loving Grace—Your Voice is directing me very specifically, telling me what to do, say, think, feel, and share in a way I can currently hear, understand, and follow. I have but one occupation in this life, Father: to realise You, to know You—to love and serve You and YOURS—and to worship You, with all of my heart, strength, mind, and soul. I AM A LOVE DWELLER: I love You Father—I want You—I need You—all of You and all of Yours—I am willing to love all those who no longer love me, want me, need me, or never did: I pray for the wellbeing of all. By Your Grace, Father, I intuitively know what to extend. Thy Love, Thy Will be done.
