Earl Purdy: relationships are with the mind

[Partial transcript from here]

you don’t recognise that it’s your thoughts that’re creating your experience

and it’s not your physical experience that’s creating how you feel

it’s your thoughts that’re creating how you feel

so it’s not about your body

it’s really about your mind

it’s the person that you’re in a relationship with

is the same as saying

I’m in a relationship with this person’s mind

I’m in a relationship with this person’s thinking

and if I say I’m going to be in a partnership with the person

I’m saying I am willing to experience the results of that person’s thinking with them

if you’re with that person and they are thinking they need to rob a bank

then you’re going to experience the effects of them who are wanting to rob a bank, with them

that’s going to have some kind of effect on you

so think about that the next time you’re ready to get into a deep relationship with someone

it’s sort of like the analogy that comes to mind for me is how somebody else’s credit score that you’re joining in a relationship with or a marriage is going to affect you now

the way they did their credit

that once you join with them

is now going to have an effect on you

does that make sense to everybody

what I’m talking about

that’s true about everything

if you’re hooking up with somebody just because their body looks good but they’re a psycho then you’re gonna have to probably experience the drama that you’re going to go through as a result of dealing with a mind that’s insecure and jealous

so you get to some point that you ask yourself

is my desire to get this body

is that more important to me than the sanity and the mind and the thinking of the person that I’m going to be with who has this body

and we know what you’ve chosen in the past

you don’t have to say


‘I just bring them to one of your classes’

‘and work on their mind later’

‘I’ll get around to your mind’

‘no, I’ll get around to it’

‘you know’

