Our common welfare comes first. With my wife, as much as I cared for her, and she was so good, sometimes I didn't like her, I didn't like the way she looked, I didn't like the way she talked, I don't wanna hear anything about tennis, and so I would lie to her, you know, she would say, 'Are you OK', and I'd say, 'I'm really tired, I'm going upstairs.' If she followed me upstairs, I'd go in the bathroom and lock the door. Because I knew, within an hour or so, it had nothing to do with her. So I learned to treat good relationships a lot of times I want as I would a third party. I do that in some of my AA meetings I go to. Sometimes, I don't like what's going on, but I'm not gonna do anything that disturbs them.
I learned that one time, when I was still in business. I was in another city, and I asked a cab driver, 'Do you know where an AA meeting is?' He said, 'Yeah, but we don't go in there after dark.' So he took me in there, and I went upstairs, and I said, 'Could someone take me back to the hotel?', and this guy said, 'Oh sure, I'd be happy to do it.' Well, I came to find out, that town had two central services, and the one I was in was vigorously taking the other one's inventory, I mean, bad, and so, the meeting, as it wound down, this chairman said, 'Would Jim, from San Antonio, like to say something?' And I said, 'I sure would,' I said, 'You know, in our group, we find it's better to take our inventory,' and there was a moment of silence, and then the whole room erupted, you never heard such language in your life, I mean I was called things I didn't know existed, you know I mean, some of them inanimate, I mean, bad, I wasn't sure if I was gonna get outta there alive, I went and asked this guy, I said, 'Are you still gonna take me to the hotel?' He said, 'Yes, I'm a man of integrity, but don't open your mouth. I don't wanna hear nothing you've got to say.' I said, 'OK.' I kept trying to make amends to him. He said, 'Shut up, I don't want hear anything you got to say.'
So anyway, I decided, if you ever see me in someone else's group, you will not hear any criticism. None. I will not say anything. You cain't say nice things about another group, sometimes, without someone getting mad. You know what I mean? So certainly not criticise them. I don't do that.
(Interview in August 2022)
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