I am not a victim of the world I see

A slightly edited transcript of this.

it’s your perception that’s determining how you see

it’s up to you to determine how you want to see the world that you see

the world that you see and how you see the world

don’t you know that it is dependent on your perception

it’s your perception that’s determining how you see

and then the way you see things determines how you feel

so your feelings are coming from your perceptions

they’re not coming from the situation or circumstance that you think is upsetting you or even making you happy

so whether you think you’re feeling great right now

you’re feeling great now really because of the way you’re seeing things

if you feel horrible right now

you’re feeling horrible because of the way that you see things

none of these events or physical events in your life are causing the way that you feel

you are causing the way that you feel by the meaning that you’re giving to the events that are happening in your life right now

that is one of the most important things to recognise if you want to stop seeing yourself as a victim

which means you’re not a victim of the way you see things

but if I say I’m not a victim of the world I see

I’m not a victim of the way I see things

because who is determining the way that I see things

who is determining the way that I see things

and guess what

just me

just me

so at some point you have to stop blaming your mother and you have to stop blaming your father and you have to stop blaming your childhood and you have to stop blaming the people around you for how you’re feeling

because you’re the one that’s giving every single solitary thing in your life the meaning that it has for you

a new experience means a different experience

people usually actively resist anything they hear that’s opposite to what they believe

usually when people hear things that’re completely different from what they believe

they go

that’s hard to believe

and they resist it

so new means different

so if a person says

I’m ready to get a new way of looking at my life and I’m ready to get a new way of looking at my relationships

they’re saying I want to hear something different from what I’m telling myself

I’m ready to hear something new

that means I’m ready to hear something different

so I might be saying some things hopefully that’re different from what you believe

especially if there’s some area of your life that you know that you are ready to have a change in

so whatever area of your life that you know you’re ready to have a change in

and you know you’re dissatisfied with that area of your life

that’s the area you need to actually hear something new and you need to hear something different

so the course in miracles may tell you something different

something that’s different from what you believe is true

so some of the ideas you might resist

some of them you might find hard to believe

some of the things I say may startle you

you have to take action to find out whether the ideas are true

a course a miracle says

you aren’t asked to judge and analyse the ideas at all

because you judge and analyse so that you can figure out whether or not it’s something that works

we judge and analyse to kind of come to the conclusion about whether or not we’re going to use what we’re learning

so the course in miracles says

the easiest way to find out whether or not what it’s saying to you is true is to use it

because it’s only working with

and it’s primarily working with your perception

this is a class that works on the way that you see things

it’s a class that gives you another way to perceive your experience

then it goes on to tell us

if you use the ideas

the ideas will show you that they are true

so if I use it

that’s how I’ll know that it’s true

so I’ll be clear

you don’t need to believe it

you don’t have to accept it

you don’t have to welcome it

you might resist it

you might find it hard to believe

but if you use it

you’ll see that it’s true

in forty-two years of sharing it and working with people

I know that this is true

so when someone tells me that they haven’t been getting the results of the course in miracles

quite frankly I don’t really believe they’ve been using it and applying it

because I’ve never seen a person that applies this material consistently that did not start to experience more of the peace and the awakening that it’s talking about

what happens with the course in miracles a lot is

because sometimes when you first look at it it looks like English but when you read it you don’t know what the hell you just got through reading

then what happens is that the temptation is

not to read it

but that’s just like saying

and I’ve said many times before

I don’t know how to bake a cake

I just got the recipe book for how to bake a cake

but I’m expecting the cake

but I haven’t read the recipe

not only have I not read the recipe

I haven’t even gotten the ingredients that the recipe says I need to get

but yet I’m looking for things to change

I’m looking for things to turn out the way that I want them to be

which the course says

most people are saying

how can I remain exactly the way I am without going through the suffering that entails

how can I stay exactly the way I am and then have new relationships

new financial situations

new career situations

but I want to stay exactly as I am

and show me how I can do that but get a different result

fear and conflict

so we’re going to talk about fear and conflict

how do you deal with fear and conflict

where does fear and conflict come from

and how do you let it go

so that could be fear about anything

that can be conflict about anything

so you might have some areas of your life that you feel some type of conflict about

so this is going to be helpful to me because I need to know exactly how to deal with that

and that’s gonna be on page 28 in the course in miracles

how to promote your own healing

so right before that paragraph

right before that section

fear and conflict


it has a very important prayer that I really want to say

and I want to share with you right now

and that prayer is

in a situation

it says

you can do much on behalf

do you know that you can do much on behalf of your own healing and healing of other people


do you know you can do

do you know that you can do a lot on behalf of your happiness and other people’s happiness


in a situation calling for help

in a situation calling for love

you think of a situation that’s calling

that’s a call for help and a call for love

think of it this way

so if you’re in a situation calling for help

what should you do, Earl

you should think of it the way that I’m about to tell you to think of it

which is

first of all

I’m here to be truly helpful

that’s why

that’s why I’m in your life

I’m here to be truly helpful

so this is what you say to other people too

I’m here to be truly helpful

what are you here to do

I’m here to represent him who sent me

who is him who sent me

that’s spirit

it’s the creator

it’s that which you truly are

which we’ll break down in a course way

by just saying


so this book is talking about love

and it’s talking about fear

and how to choose for love and how to let go of your fear

so I’m here in this room to represent love

love sent me

truth sent me here

I don’t have to worry about what to do


you don’t have to worry about what to do


I don’t have to worry about what to do

what is it

what is the other thing you don’t have to worry about

it says

you don’t have to worry about what to say

and you don’t have to worry about what to do

I’m here to help you

but I don’t have to worry about what to say

I don’t have to worry about what to do

why is it that I don’t have to worry about what to say

I don’t have to worry about what to do

I don’t have to worry about what to say

and I don’t have to worry about what to do

because spirit that sent me

will direct me

love and truth that sent me

living by divine guidance


if I say I’m a teacher the course

let’s say for instance

and I’m ready to follow the lessons in love and truth that this course is teaching

well then if I’m here to share that

if I’m here to be a demonstration of the love and the peace that this is representing

then I don’t have to worry about what to say

because it’s here

I don’t have to worry about what to do


my course is telling me what to do

it’s telling me what to do and it’s telling me what to say

that’s why I always suggest to people

if you really want to go to a higher level of consciousness

stop teaching yourself and start trying to learn from something that’s more intelligent than you and it’s greater than you but it’s also within you

I’ll say that again

the most important thing that a conscious being wants to do 

they live by guidance

they live by its guidance

by getting direction

just like when you’re using the GPS

you’re following it because it’s guiding you to the destination you want to go to

but you don’t know how to get there

so you just trust that the GPS does

and you just follow the guidance

you don’t pull over to the side of the road and say

explain to me why I should make a left turn uh three blocks from here

and where did that street come from

who’s it named after

what kind of pavement does it have

you don’t analyse it

you just follow it

so people make their whole spiritual path hard because they think that it means they have to use their own wisdom in terms of deciding what to do or what not to do

and the course is saying that

any course

you just have to follow the guidance that you’re given

and so therefore I know what to say and I know what to do when I’m looking at you

and when I’m looking at you

because I have a curriculum that I’m following that’s telling me what to say to you and what to do with you

so I that’s why I don’t have to worry about it

be content to be wherever he wishes

what’s the next line

I’m content to be wherever he wishes

I’m content to be wherever my higher self

my spiritual self

what is my higher self

who is my spiritual self

the part of me that’s loving and sane

the part of me that’s not crazy

that’s the higher self

that’s the spiritual self

so I’m content to be wherever the divine wishes

why am I willing to be content being here right now

because I know love


my teacher is with me right now

my inner guidance is with me right now

so I will be healed as I let spirit teach me to heal

so I’m going to be healed to the degree that I’m willing to learn how to be a healer myself

so I will be healed as I let spirit teach me to heal

we have to be retaught

I will be loving as I let truth teach me to be loving

a correct loving perception has to be learned

it’s not something that you just know how to do immediately

you have to be taught how to be sane or to remember your sanity

just as much as you were taught how to become insane

most people don’t realise that they’re not acting according to their true natures

they’re acting according to the programming they’ve gotten since the day they were born

soon as you’re born

everybody starts to describe to you and give you descriptions about what the world is

what the world is about

what’s right

what’s wrong

who you should like

who you should not like

so by the time you get to the point that you can make all of the erroneous interpretations that the world gives you

then you become a member of society


a member of society is simply someone that’s joined in with the collective ideas and thoughts of that culture that they’re in

and if that culture that they’re in is not reflecting love and peace and truth then they’re gonna also not do it

so I’m going to be more loving and I will be healed as I let my teacher teach me how to heal

I’m going to be more sane with you as I let sanity teach me

so does that make any sense to everybody


fear and conflict in relationships

so fear and conflict

is the same as saying

fear is conflict

so when you’re in conflict you’re in fear

and when you’re in fear you’re in conflict

so do you have any area at all in your life that you feel a lack of peace

complete peace


that you have some level of conflict or some level of fear that you wish were different in some way

would everyone in here be willing to admit that that’s true

that there’s a part of them that’d go

I wish this were different and then I would be happy

or they say

I wish you were different then I’d be happy

that’s called most relationships


I wish you were different and then I would be happy


that is the premise that the course in miracles says will absolutely guarantee you’ll never be happy

when someone else speaks or acts differently then I’ll be happy

that’s the one the course says if you followed that plan

which is the plan that unhappy people follow

then you won’t be happy

so how can you tell the plan unhappy people following

you know at some level they’re waiting for something or some circumstance outside themselves to change

and then that’s when they’re going to be happy

replacing old thinking with new

and then the course in miracles says

do me slowly

that’s why I always suggest that you take my classes 

that are watching it online

you can review it later

because it’s posted

and then try to listen to it at least four times

because you have to give yourself new thoughts to replace the thoughts that you don’t like

you have to give yourself replacement thinking

replacement thinking


so then the course says

well, take me one line at a time

and it says

take me slowly


that’s exactly the way I like to do it


being afraid seems to be involuntary

so being afraid seems to be involuntary

what does that mean

being afraid seems like it’s something beyond your control

sometimes it looks like anger is beyond your control

sometimes it looks like fear is beyond you

you meant to be sane

but you just threw them off a building

so you know that sometimes it looks like your anger is out of control

it seems like your fear can be involuntary

but I’ve already stated that only constructive acts should be voluntary

so what is it that I need to learn how to do without even thinking about it and volunteer

I need to be constructive and beneficial to you without even thinking about it

it’s just the natural way I am

that I want to bring more peace and more healing and more joy


so let me get this straight

I’m not interested in how fast I go

I’m interested in hearing what I’m being told

because I want to have the recipe of peace

so first of all

not being a pain in the butt

and being a person that helps people and brings joy to people

that should be involuntary

it’s ridiculous that we have to be trained to treat each other kindly and humanely and nicely

it should be involuntary

it should be just the way that I have learned to be 

letting the higher power control everything that does not matter

then the course says

my control

your higher self’s control

love’s control

or you can say Jesus of the course’s control

he says it can take over everything that doesn’t matter

so you want your divine self

your spiritual self

the part of you that is sane

you want it to take over everything that doesn’t matter

and you also can follow guidance in everything else

if you so choose

so it says

my control can take over everything that doesn’t matter

love’s control can take over everything that doesn’t matter

while its guidance can direct everything that does matter

if you choose

so I’m going to ask my divine self

my higher self

my spiritual self

my goal

my God self

whatever word you need for a higher power

I want it to direct everything that’s happening in my life

I want the part of me that’s sane and loving and peaceful and aware

I want that part

that divine part

I asked for it right now

I want it to direct everything that matters in my life

because fear can’t really be controlled by somebody outside of you

don’t you know that fear has to be self-controlled

I am the one who’s in control of how much fear I feel

you don’t control my fear

I control my fear

no one else is controlling your upset


but you have the power to control your fear

but what’s preventing your higher self

what’s preventing your divine self from guiding you and giving its control


so fear prevents you from being controlled by love

fear prevents you from being controlled by joy and happiness

if I’m afraid I’m not feeling joyful

if I’m afraid I’m not feeling peaceful

if I’m afraid I’m not feeling happy

and so if I’m afraid

then that’s preventing the divine part of me from controlling me

because I keep …

fear prevents the higher power from taking control

people always saying

I want to give this to god

I want to give this to a higher power

your fear is preventing you from surrendering it

because usually a person’s fear will make them try to take over and be in charge and be in control of the situation

don’t you agree

but once people become afraid

that’s when they really try to take charge


so really their fear is preventing them from being guided by the part of them that’s not afraid


so what does the presence of fear show you

the presence of fear shows you that you have raised body thoughts to the level of the mind

in other words

you don’t recognise that it’s your thoughts that’re creating your experience

and it’s not your physical experience that’s creating how you feel

it’s your thoughts that’re creating how you feel

so it’s not about your body

it’s really about your mind

relationships with people’s minds

it’s the person that you’re in a relationship with

is the same as saying

I’m in a relationship with this person’s mind

I’m in a relationship with this person’s thinking

and if I say I’m going to be in a partnership with the person

I’m saying I am willing to experience the results of that person’s thinking with them

if you’re with that person and they are thinking they need to rob a bank

then you’re going to experience the effects of them who are wanting to rob a bank, with them

that’s going to have some kind of effect on you

so think about that the next time you’re ready to get into a deep relationship with someone

it’s sort of like the analogy that comes to mind for me is how somebody else’s credit score that you’re joining in a relationship with or a marriage is going to affect you now

the way they did their credit

that once you join with them

is now going to have an effect on you

does that make sense to everybody

what I’m talking about

that’s true about everything

if you’re hooking up with somebody just because their body looks good but they’re a psycho then you’re gonna have to probably experience the drama that you’re going to go through as a result of dealing with a mind that’s insecure and jealous

so you get to some point that you ask yourself

is my desire to get this body

is that more important to me than the sanity and the mind and the thinking of the person that I’m going to be with who has this body

and we know what you’ve chosen in the past

you don’t have to say


I’ll just bring them to one of your classes

and work on their mind later

I’ll get around to your mind

no, I’ll get around to it

you know

